Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Number of September

This week go on sale September numbers fashion magazines, the year's most important examples in which new season trends are examined in detail, and is elected to the celebrity or fashion model and more projection for the cover picture. In addition, the roll increases during this month, as it is a number that works very well in sales. This year has started the season with records and advertisers pages of fashion publications.

The relevance of this issue was reported in the documentary The September Issue, which analyzed the development of Vogue U.S. September 2007 with Sienna Miller on the cover. He left the magazine kiosk as more pages of history, and with an overwhelming list of advertisers. Both, which sold a special case to carry it. Unfortunately, just a year after the collapse occurred in the market price of Lehman Brothers and the global financial crisis erupted, affecting squarely in the press. Since then the numbers of journals have not returned to count the pages in kilos, but as noted in International Business Times, it seems that this year is full of good news for the sector. The issue of Vogue U.S. is composed of 665 pages of advertising (will be the second largest number in its history), within walking distance of the 725 they got in 2007. This data, collected by WWD, is presented as the ultimate sign of recovery. Glamour has increased its advertising by 18% over the previous year, and W 17%, with a total of 288 pages. Along with the great influence of the digital world, paper is still a critical factor in the marketing strategies of fashion brands.

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